Tomorrow! March 9 – Wenatchee Interfaith Climate Group meeting @ 1:00 We look at the Climate Crisis through a Spiritual point of view and take actions in faith.  If you are interested in joining us, email

Monday – March 14 – RALLY FOR THE SALMON! We will meet at the SE corner of Walmart at 2:00 pm on Monday, March 14.  It is American Rivers Day and there are actions taking place in several Washington cities.  If you have salmon props or costume, please bring them.  We will spend an hour at the intersection of Wenatchee Avenue and Maiden Lane.  Come out and make it known that salmon extinction is not an option.  Salmon are a keystone species that so many other species (Salish Sea killer whales) and so much land and water ecology depend upon.  Hope to see you!

What is “Extinction Rebellion” up to? Click this link to before Sunday to find out!

Are you over 60? Read the “Third Act” Newsletter and get involved in their upcoming ACTION!

Leah Thomas Book Are you an “Intersectional Environmentalist”?  Learn More Here:


Save these Dates:

April 18 – Wenatchee Valley College Earth Day – More information to come.

April 23 – Sustainable Wenatchee’s Earth Day Fair at Pybus Market.

Yale’s Climate Connections Readings:

Yes, it IS in the Bible!

Lifestyle Changes that are good for you AND the planet!

Solid State Batteries – Are they the next revolution for the Electric Car?

Sue Kane – Newsletter Editor






