Tips for writing them:

* Have an opinion and state it forcefully: Use your letter to make knowledgeable arguments about the issue at hand. Letters providing lengthy explanations or
restatements of news articles will likely not be published.
* Speak from a specific perspective if you can: Are you a doctor with thoughts on the health impacts of climate change? A grandparent concerned about your
grandchildren’s future? A bicycle commuter worried about safety in a city so oriented towards cars and parking? You will seem more relatable and authoritative if
it’s clear that your opinion is tethered to something you understand at a personal level.
* Be timely: Most newspapers prefer letters about current events and issues recently covered by the newspaper. Also, if you are responding to a specific article,
include the title, author, and date of the article.
* Be succinct: Keep your letter to under 200 words. Short letters are more likely to be published and read.
* Cite sources: Provide citations (Web URLs) for facts or reports mentioned in your letter.
* Be civil: Sarcasm and anger can be effective in small doses, but don’t overdo it. And while critiques of ideas, reasoning or positions are welcomed, personal
attacks are not.
* Sign your name: Most newspapers won’t publish anonymous letters or letters sent from a “pen name.” Sign your own full name or two initials and your last name. *
* Also, if asked, provide your address and telephone number (which some newspapers use for verification).
* Understand that it will probably be edited: Most newspapers and online news outlets reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity before publishing.
* Try again: If your first letter isn’t published, submit again…. And again, and again!
