YOU ARE INVITED! 350Wenatchee – CCNCW – Sustainable Wenatchee – Wenatchee Interfaith 

Join us on Friday, August 20th for a climate groups gathering.  While there is no specific agenda, speaker or meeting planned – it would be great to review what we’ve done in the past as well as talk together about our view of the future.  Add some music – opportunities for photo by Coyote leads the Salmon statue and MAYBE Fossil Fuelman will come and we can all say a GOOD BYE to him!  Chalk will be available if anyone wants to draw/write a message on the walkways.

Sometimes it’s just good to gather and right now we can!  We will share discussions, what’s on our minds/hearts/ideas and hopefully dance a bit.  SO – come and bring whoever it is you would like to bring for this gathering.  Join us for any or all of the time. We will set aside 6:00-7:00 for our “official review and planning time” for those of you who can only join us for a short time.

Shelter #2 has been reserved 3P-8P.  This is Walla Walla Point Park, where you turn in across from Town Toyota Center and head south. Due to COVID, please bring your own food and drinks.


excerpt from the Seattle Times Editorial Board –

“You don’t need to gaze into the future to see the effects of our global climate crisis, you need only look to earlier this summer, when triple-digit temperatures sent thousands to the emergency room and claimed the lives of more than 120 Washingtonians.

That heat wave would have been “virtually impossible” in the past — without climate change, experts said, and a new report warns that those extreme weather events may become regular occurrences.

The grimly authoritative forecast by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change finds it’s too late to stop the immediate impact on the planet caused by human activity. Already, global warming is causing more severe and frequent heat waves, droughts and storms throughout the world.

Read Entire Article Here:

Another Article by Yale Climate Connections:

Please come and help us determine what we can be doing in Wenatchee to Make a Strong Statement!

If you cannot attend but have an idea for us to consider, email it to:

Did you hear about the Washington State Citizens’ Climate Assembly?  Here’s what they came up with and are now presenting to the legislature:

They would like your input on their ideas!


Student Athletes Beware!:

Being Good Stewards:

Remember When…:

Sue Kane – Newsletter Editor



