UK Braces for We Want To Live Campaign – Portland Prepares in Solidarity
The We Want to Live campaign is gearing up for Extinction Rebellion in the UK. Tens of Thousands of activists across Europe are making preparations now for a rebellion that is sure to be unlike any other in history. Meanwhile, in Portland, OR, a small band of activists is also planning a rebellion in solidarity. RSVP on Facebook here.
Cat-4 Hurricane Touches Louisiana & Texas
Contributing to the alarming trend of 4-5 category hurricanes hitting every year in the US in the era of climate – Hurricane Laura adds its gusts to the frey. Combined with the record 1 million acres burned in California, climate is proving to be inescapable this summer for the US.
Roger Hallam Imprisoned for September on Conspiracy to Commit Public Disruption
In a surprise move by the UK Government, Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder, Roger Hallam was arrested, along with 5 other activists while plotting a series of actions for spin-off activist group, “Beyond Politics.” His hearing date is set for the end of September. Roger Hallam is currently on hunger strike.
Portland Adds Additional We Want to Live Rebellion Date, September 21st, to the Agenda.
Towards the end of September, XRA activists across the country will be stepping up to make a big statement to tell the government, “We Want to Live.” Details TBA – save the date here.
Would you like to be more involved in this action? Let us know what you can do to help here.
The Building Blocks of Change Start Here
This talk is put on by your local mass mobilizers. A great way to find out more about XR and what we’re all in for. And most importantly, what we’re going to do about it.
We are a self funded org and depend on the contributions of normal people, monthly, to sustain and grow the movement. Donations are not spent on bail, offices, or board members. It’s all spent on grass roots activism to grow this movement.
Copyright Info
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a do-it-together movement. All our design and artwork can be used non-commercially for the purpose of planet saving. This does not mean creating merchandise for fundraising or sending XR a percentage of your sales. We do not endorse or create any merchandise and we will pursue and prosecute anyone who does. The Extinction Symbol was designed in 2011 by street artist ESP, who loans XR usage on the same basis:
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