We are weaving together a new world — and we have a special gift for you: Our XR World video clip of Vandana Shiva’s comments at our May 8th event, No Time to Lose. Here’s a preview of her wisdom:
I know . . . we can regenerate the world. The earth is waiting and inviting us to join her with her power. . . . We are only one among many species, and we have to weave the web of life in nonviolence and love.
Did you miss the event? Then don’t miss this video clip:
Coming up this weekend is another not-to-be-missed event. On May 29th at 11:00 AM Pacific, Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, will offer his Prophetic Christian Climate Collapse Speech. He will outline what needs to happen when we realize we can stand by no longer.
Christians of all denominations and all other people of faith are invited to this urgent and powerful call. As Roger says, “In the face of climate collapse, Christians are called to bear witness like never before in the history of our faith. Everything is at stake.”
Last — but definitely not least — we’re sharing a new Hooping for the Rebellion! video that Lauren made in St. Louis, Missouri. Lauren and her partner are our newest Rebellion organizers, and they ain’t gonna stop till we win:
Don’t forget to register for Saturday’s event with Roger Hallam, right here.
Meanwhile — to each and every one of you helping to build the rebellion in whatever way you can — thank you for making a difference. We’re glad you’re on board!
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