Hi all,

THANK YOU to everyone who pushed out the #PeopleNotPolluters hashtag today! The tweets are still pouring in as I write this.
I just took a look at the analytics for the last 100 tweets that went out with the hashtag and there were over 675,000 impressions — so, needless to say, we reached quite a few people.
It was great to see people combining the hashtag with the #PeoplesBailout and other community wide initiatives!
Let’s keep up the pressure!
p.s. Here are a few of my favorites that folks shared:
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On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 7:06 AM Jamie Henn <jamie@jamiehenn.com> wrote:
Hey all — we’re on for this morning!

We had a bunch of people jump into the doc and add some great sample messaging. Feel free to use your own though — I’ll be looking for the best finance related zinger.

***Twitterstorm starts up at 10:00am ET on Tuesday, 3/24***

