
Dear local 350 group leaders,

We’re writing to you in turbulent times, with the goal of best supporting this resilient network during the emergence of COVID-19. We recognize that the impact of COVID-19 currently varies by region, and that some of you may already be in the thick of planning and thinking about this, while others may just be beginning. COVID-19 will impact all of our campaigns like Climate Congress, No KXL, Stop the Money Pipeline and the Earth Day strikes in different ways and we will know more in the coming week and keep everyone updated.

In general, consider holding meetings online rather than in person. Zoom can be a useful tool for this; see https://zoom.us/ for more information. This resource is also an open-source way of accessing free video conferencing.

Here are some resources we’ve compiled related to COVID-19; please share them with others in your local groups and communities. Note that this is a living doc and we’ll be adding additional resources as they’re available. One highlight of the resources is a toolkit around planning ahead for upcoming events and actions. There are also sections around creating communities of care, the heightened racism and xenophobia that have spread along with the virus, and some links around the political context of COVID-19 (including the White House bailing out the oil and gas industry while everyone’s attention is on the virus). Thanks to Grace Hope, David Solnit, Thanu Yakupitiyage and others for their contributions.

In solidarity,

Deborah Rosensein

US Trainings Senior Specialist

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