Thank-you so much to 350 Eastside, 350 Spokane, 350 Wenatchee, 350 Tacoma, and 350 Everett for joining the Pass the Green New Deal Coalition. I thought I would update you on some of the work we’ve been doing, plus ask you to consider writing to your listserves regarding some upcoming activity in Congress.
The Coalition has been meeting monthly, has sent several letters to our Congressional delegation regarding both the ReWind Act (which would prevent Trump from bailing out the fossil fuel industry) and regarding other legislation related to both Covid and climate. We have also met remotely with Representative Smith, and a staff member for Representative Jayapal. Finally, we have begun to study up on GND type legislation that might have a chance at passage when (fingers crossed!) we get a new Congress and president. Once we have chosen some key bills to support, we plan to push for those bills in 2021.