We have a BIG opportunity to reduce our climate pollution in Washington State. Transportation is our biggest source of carbon emissions in Washington, and legislators are currently negotiating a Transportation Package that will define our transportation system for the next 5 to 15 years. In November Assembly Days, lawmakers may vote to expand our current highway-centric system that dirties our air and threatens our climate future. They need to hear your voices calling for a transportation system that lowers carbon and air pollution by centering transit, walking, biking and rolling.
We’ll be in touch over the coming weeks with important ways you can let legislators know that we need a green and equitable transportation future. In the meantime, check out our vision in 350 WA’s Transportation Bill of Rights.
Right now you can join us in supportingDisability Rights Washington’s Week Without a Car initiative. DRW is asking lawmakers and government officials to give up their car for the week of Oct 22-29, so they can understand what it’s like to navigate life on public transportation, and on our sidewalks and bikeways. We need you to ask your legislator to participate, so that when it comes time for them to vote on a transportation package they will understand the needs in the system.
Ways to support:
1) Email your lawmaker and ask them to participate (use this sample letter)
**Extra Credit: reach out to your local official (city council member, transportation officials, etc) with authority over transportation funding and challenge them to participate as well!
Did you know that 25% of folks in Washington don’t drive, yet only 3% of our state transportation budget is allocated to public transportation? What’s more, these folks are more likely to be disabled, an immigrant, poor, or of color. That’s not right. Help your legislator understand the problems in our transportation system by encouraging them to participate in the Week Without a Car Challenge!
Ingrid Elliott & Andrew Kidde
350 WA Transportation Leads
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