Tell the truth about climate change

Reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025

Create a citizen’s assembly to oversee progress

These are the three demands of this worldwide organization to government.  If you agree and want to be a bit outrageous then join The Baby Brigade at any or all of the actions below:

Monday April 15th

@10AM – Meet in play area at Sportsman Warehouse to prepare The Baby Brigade and walk the mall.  444 Valley Mall Parkway in East Wenatchee

@Noon – Meet at PUD restrooms by river behind Pybus Market.  We’ll take the babies for a stroll!  3 North Worthen in Wenatchee.

If there’s time in-between these two actions, we’ll be at intersection of S. Mission & Stevens in Wenatchee.  (The turn to George Sellars Bridge by Wenatchee’s Best Laundry & La Tortuga Loca.)

You are herby invited to attend!


