Hello 350 Washington friends,

I wanted to pass along some INCREDIBLE resources that our friends at the Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy have put together. These are specifically for amplifying and advocating for frontline communities impacted by COVID-19 in the State of Washington. I have been attending these coalition calls to learn more about the alliance and to get connected with all of the amazing partner organizations working for climate justice in our state, including labor unions, frontline communities, and communities of color. 
Here is the message from Lauren Breynaert, the coalition director for the Climate Alliance:

Thank you to the over 200 supporters who joined our COVID-19 Solidarity Webinar yesterday. If you weren’t able to join us live you can watch the webinar recording here

We know that the impacts of both the climate crisis and COVID-19 are disproportionately felt by lower-income, communities of color, and working people. Our labor union and community of color based partners are working tirelessly to support their members who are working on the frontlines of this crisis. 

We developed a COVID–19 Solidarity Resource Toolkit and a Collection of Solidarity Actions and Policy Demands with the goal of gathering all COVID–19 resources and policy demands into one place. 

Here are ways you can support their calls for emergency justice!

You can also find up-to-date calls to action on our website and our Facebook page.


Thank you all for everything you do to center justice in your organizing,
Grace Hope
PNW Regional Organizer

350.org | 425-890-2145
Monday, Wednesday – Friday, 9-5pm PST
Ps, something to consider: as we move forward with forming our statewide network, I want you all to know that “350 WA” would be a welcome addition to the Climate Alliance and we are invited to join as such when we so choose. Individual groups are also welcome to join, and until then I will keep attending those calls to help serve as a conduit to you all about the amazing coalition work being done in our state. 