We are reaching out to you today to ask you to take action on an important piece of legislation for Washington’s future. The bill we have been working on with Rep. Duerr to add climate change planning to the GMA (HB 1099) will be going through its first legislative hearing in the Environment and Energy Committee this Tuesday, January 19th at 8AM. We need your help to make it clear to our legislators that Washington can’t wait any longer to address climate change in our land-use planning.
This is an extremely important hearing that may decide the fate of this bill. It is vital that the Legislature decides to vote this bill into law. The hearing is our chance to make our voices heard and advocate for comprehensive planning processes that will address climate change by planning for climate resiliency and mitigation, as well as reductions in our greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled. It is crucial that the legislators sitting on this committee receive an outpouring of support from constituents. You will be able to watch the hearing on TVW. Below are a few ways to make your voice heard on this important issue:
Select type of testimony: “I would like my position noted for the legislative record.”
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Select Position: “Pro”
Fill out your information
Submit Registration
Submit written testimony. You can submit written testimony up to 24 hours after the hearing ends. Check out this guide for talking points and tips on what makes good written testimony.
Select type of testimony: “I would like to submit written testimony.”
You will be sent to another page.
Select Position: “Pro”
Fill out your information
Write your testimony (limit 5000 characters)
Submit Testimony
3. Join our Twitter storm on Monday (1/18) and Tuesday (1/19)!
Film a short video of yourself explaining why you support this effort to add climate change to the GMA through HB 1099, call on your legislators to support it. Post and tag your legislators, use #WACantWait and #YesonHB1099
Thank you @RepDuerr for sponsoring HB 1099. #WACantWait to address climate change in the GMA. #YesonHB1099 #ResilientFuture @Futurewise
[TAG YOUR LEGISLATORS], I hope you support @RepDuerr’s HB 1099 to add climate change to the GMA. The climate crisis has arrived in WA and we need to do everything we can to address it. #WACantWait any longer. #YesonHB1099 #ResilientFuture @Futurewise
[TAG YOUR LEGISLATORS], #WACantWait to plan for climate resiliency and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled. Please support HB1099 to add a climate change goal to the GMA. #YesonHB1099 #ResilientFuture @RepDuerr @Futurewise
You can find your legislators’ Facebook accounts and Twitter hashtags at this link.
Thank you for your help in advocating for this important legislation.
In solidarity,
Jamie Ptacek
Washington Can’t Wait Lead Organizer
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