Here’s the plan: Over the next week, we will leave thousands of comments on multiple review websites emphasizing Chase’s dominant role in funding the fossil fuel industry — and destroying our communities and the climate.

Can you help? Here’s all the tools you need: 

  1. Chase Digital Takeover Toolkit. In this toolkit is everything you and your organizations supporters need (links, sample reviews, ideas for art, etc.) to write powerful reviews and make your voices heard.
  2. Chase DigitalTakeover video (90 seconds) will be part of the STMP Livestream on April 23rd. Please share it on your social media and with your lists
  3. Example of local sign-up page is here: Portland Sign-up  at URL:
  4. Social media messaging kit will help you amplify this action!  Please also follow 350PDX and re-tweet, facebook, or insta!  Here are some examples: Twitter posts – Instagram posts – Facebook posts

Please invite your folks to join us!  Let’s takeover Chase together!

Happy Earth Day to you and yours!

Alec – sending on behalf of Sue & Jenifer from the ST$P-PDX Coalition, who are CC’d and to who credit for this work belongs! Please reach out to them directly if you have questions!

