Friends, Tacoma could use our support–here’s two ways you can help…
Fossil fuel project after toxic fossil fuel project and other heavy polluting industries continue to target the ancestral tideflats of the Puyallup Tribe. These operations result in damage to the climate, damage to the once-thriving estuary, damage to community health through toxic air emissions and soil contamination. The tides are slowly turning, and with a big wave of public pressure we can begin to halt these harmful expansion proposals.
Oil Terminal Expansion – Written Comments Needed by 4pm Thursday!
SeaPort Sound(formerly US Oil) bulk oil terminal’s current push to expand on the Tideflats would increase oil storage capacity by nearly 15%, exacerbating air pollution, oil spill risks, and safety concerns at each step. Right now, the City of Tacoma is accepting comments from the public on what impacts to consider in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). A thorough evaluation should address all the risks we know are created by fossil fuel expansions.
March 3rd Hearing – Testimony Needed!
On Wednesday, Tacoma Planning Commission will hold a virtual Public Hearing on new regulations for the tideflats, which they will then send as recommendations to Tacoma City Council for a final vote. This is our chance to close a loophole that allows existing fossil fuel and toxic heavy industries to file for unlimited expansion, despite the city declaring a climate emergency last year, and public outcry over harmful air emissions that can cause severe health impacts. We must urge the Commissions to recommend the strongest possible fossil fuel regulations to the City.
You do not need to be an expert–speak from the heart, tell your story–why is it important to you that we stop expanding fossil fuel operations? Why should protecting community health be given priority over short-term profits? How does the decisions in Tacoma affect your home or your grandchildren’s future?
What: Public Hearing on Tideflats Non-Interim Regulations
When: Wednesday, March 3rd at 5:30pm
Join on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 840 8913 6377
Dial: +1 253 215 8782
Can’t make it to the hearing? Submit a comment today to, here’s a sample comment you can personalize!
The Tideflats are in the bullseye of the fossil fuel industry’s push for expanded operations in Washington and The City needs to hear from you that it is time to step up and protect our communities and our planet.
In solidarity,
Stacy Oaks
Tacoma LNG Resistance Team
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