
In the midst of this global pandemic megacorporations are manipulating the system to put profit before people. They’re taking advantage of the disarray and fear to push through laws to benefit themselves that normally wouldn’t stand a chance.

That’s why now more than ever it’s essential to understand the role of the financial industry — from asset managers to banks to insurance companies — in fueling the climate crisis.

This Thursday at 6pm ET/3pm PT we’re hosting an interactive virtual training to explore the foundational role that the financial industry plays in the climate crisis. Click here to RSVP.

Here are the details:

  1. What: How to Stop the Money Pipeline: Climate Finance 101 Virtual Training
  2. When: Thursday, April 16th at 6pm ET / 3pm PT
  3. Where: Your phone or computer — register here to join

Last week we sent you an email about putting pressure on Liberty Mutual during their annual policyholder meeting. In the end that entire meeting lasted all of six minutes.

In response to dozens of questions from policyholders, 50,000 petition signatures, and hundreds of tweets, Liberty Mutual execs said: “Read our ESG report, and with that, we’re done.” That’s it.

There was no discussion, no additional details, and they didn’t let any policyholders speak. As a result, they also refused to acknowledge the pipeline construction they’re continuing to insure in the midst of a global pandemic — pipelines that put communities in danger both environmentally and as vectors for COVID-19.

We need to fight back against Wall Street. Join us this Thursday at 6pm ET/3pm PT to learn how organizers from the global North to the global South are fighting back.

This training will empower anyone to take on Wall Street as a tool to tackle climate change. It will explore a rights based approach to finance campaigning, teach you how to build your financial armor, explain the pillars of financial capitalism, and dive in key case studies.

Click here to RSVP for Thursday’s training because if we can stop the flow of money we can stop climate destruction.

Talk to you soon,
Stop the Money Pipeline

P.S. We gave the Earth Day Live website a big update this week — check it out!


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