What coronavirus means for Northwest fossil fuel projects
Dear Jeanne,
Holding the Thin Green Line—the Northwest’s opposition movement to fossil fuels—remains among Sightline’s highest priorities. As we near the halfway mark of 2020, we find that fossil fuel companies are in a tailspin, knocked off course by a combination of long-term economic challenges and the shock of coronavirus. Many industry analysts say there is no historical precedent for financial troubles the industry is facing. But what does it all mean for the big dirty energy projects planned for the Northwest—the oil pipelines, petrochemical refineries, and LNG export terminals?
Sightline aims to prevent the buildout of large-scale fossil fuel infrastructure in the Northwest. In a time of social and economic crisis, will Cascadia continue to defend its communities from dirty energy schemes?
Eric de Place will share the latest updates on recent developments in energy markets, and on what they mean for large-scale fossil fuel projects planned for the Northwest. There will be a briefing by Eric, followed by an interactive Q&A.
JOIN US: Sightline Online Q&A – What coronavirus means for Northwest fossil fuel projects
We will record the presentation and Q&A to share with participants after the event.
During the webinar, we will encourage participants to share their video & audio for an interactive conversation.
I hope you can join us,
Alan Durning
Executive Director
Brought to you by Sightline Institute. 1402 Third Ave Suite 500, Seattle, Washington 98101. Sightline is a nonprofit, 501(c)3, working to build a sustainable Northwest—a place with strong communities, a green economy, and a healthy environment. Add editor@sightline.org to your address book to ensure our emails reach you.
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