We’re on the verge of something remarkable. If Washington become the first state to put a price on climate pollution, it will inspire activists around the country, and have ripple impacts on national climate politics that could be felt for years.
We’ll be canvassing at Red Square, in the center of UW, with Wheezy the Inhaler and the Fossil Free Dinosaurs all day Monday and Tuesday. There will be song, dance, and free t-shirts, beanies, and cliff bars for everyone who has voted.
Even though voter turnout is at record highs for this time in the election, more than 50% of people in Washington have still not voted. Now is the most important time to volunteer for the campaign.
Over 6,000 volunteers have had nearly 400,000 one-on-one conversations with voters, knocking on almost 175,000 doors and making 375,000 phone calls. That’s incredible. But we still need to do more to ensure that we overcome the deep pockets of the oil industry.
Then, when it’s all done, we hope that you’ll join us at the Yes on 1631 election-night party at the Arctic Club in downtown Seattle. You can RSVP here. It will be a well-earned fun evening with many of the leaders who helped to write the policy, and many of the thousands of volunteers who have worked so hard to get us this far. We hope you can join us.
-=-=- 350Seattle.org · 1919 E Prospect St, Seattle, WA 98112, United States
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