We joined Gidimt’en Checkpoint and the Wet’suwet’en by signing onto a NGO letter to the 27 banks behind the pipeline, including US banks Chase, Bank of America, Citi, & Truist and Canada’s number 1 fossil fuel bank RBC to demand they end their financing of the project and support for the violence against the Wet’suwet’en.

Hi Jeanne!

The open letter is public and we’ve already seen lots of shares on social media! Please take a moment to share the posts below, then see the toolkits for more graphics and draft social media copy. We have one in English and one in French.

As we approach the most important banking date on the finance calendar — the season of Annual General Meetings (AGMs)of shareholders — it is crucial we keep the pressure on the 27 banks funding the Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline to #DefundCGL, stop violating Indigenous rights and stop fueling climate chaos.

Excellent news!  I am happy to report more than 155 organizations representing nearly 27 million people in more than 8 countries are standing together to back Gidimt’en Checkpoint and the hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en nation demanding that the 27 banks defund Coastal GasLink!

You have a few options:

  • Share the petition in the text of your social posts; (we have one focusing on RBC and one focusing on all 27 banks but they are the same petition and will share number of signers)
  • Send an email to your list with the petition or links to social posts to amplify
  • Only share the letter itself
  • Any combination you like!

We will update the toolkit with live social links to share early Wednesday morning and I will send updates out on listservs 2 or 3 times throughout the day. If you’d like to save me some work, please send me links with your posts so I make sure they are recorded and we will all give them some love throughout the day.

We know RBC and the banks backing this fracked gas pipeline worry about their reputations and their brands. Let’s make it impossible for the leaders at these banks to avoid hearing our demand to #DefundCGL. 

If you have any questions or would like a graphic customized, please reach out and I will do my best to help!

In solidarity,

Sarah Beuhler
Sr. Climate Finance Campaigner



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