Independent, Third-Party Analysis Finds:
Kalama Methanol Plant Results in
Net Reduction in Global GHG Emissions.
NWIW also commits to offset 100% of the plant’s associated GHG emissions within Washington, including those beyond direct operations.
Today an independent, third-party report was released by the Port of Kalama and Cowlitz County. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with methanol production at Northwest Innovation Works’ proposed Kalama Facility. The two major findings of that report are the following:
The Kalama Methanol Plant Results in Dramatic Net Reductions in Global GHG Emissions.
Building the Kalama methanol plant will result in a dramatic net reduction in global GHG emissions — the equivalent of taking 2.2 million cars off the road.
NWIW has committed to mitigate 100% of the plant’s associated GHG emissions within Washington, including those beyond direct operations.
The pledge is unprecedented. It represents a removal of up to 970,000 metric tonnes of GHG emissions annually. The cumulative mitigation NWIW will achieve is roughly equivalent to the amount of carbon stored by 2,742,000 Douglas fir trees over their first 100 years of life.
Creating Jobs. Investing in Community. Confronting Climate Change.
What’s Next?
The Port of Kalama and Cowlitz County announced today the beginning of a 45 day window for public comment of the SEIS report.