Hello, all!
Thanks to all of you who joined our LNG Resistance meeting on Thursday– it was great to have so many present, and to be able to celebrate AG Ferguson filing an amicus brief in support of the Puyallup Tribe and Earthjustice, in calling for the LNG facility’s permit to be revoked!
Each workgroup covered a lot of ground, which you can read about here. A few highlights…
We are having a community empowerment series about Puget Sound Energy, their impacts on Washington, and how to take our power back! Please help share this series via email and social media! Promo Kit here
First event is next thursday Jan 28th!
Join in making a Stand With Puyallup Street Mural! More info here 🙂
Help amplify Standing With Puyallup – Here is a Community Leader Toolkit, with Puyallup approved language, we can send to any of our elected officials, influential folks we know, or local athletes/celebrities asking them to make a public statement that they Stand With Puyallup.
Next LNG Resistance Team Meeting is Thursday Feb 4th at 12pm – Zoom info at bottom of email
350 Seattle Solidarity Team
One of our team members brought up ways to support the Duwamish tribe. This was a great reminder that the Solidarity Team is a place many of you would really enjoy plugging into!
The Solidarity Team builds mutually supportive relationships across organizations that may not be overtly addressing the climate crisis, but are organized by and for frontline communities. This is such an important way to both strengthen our networks and to show up for intersecting injustices!
The Solidarity Team is organized in “nodes” with different focuses. The Indigenous Sovereignty & Solidarity Node is all of people you know– we have been using our people power for the LNG Resistance since August. However, we are not limited to this fight, and we are excited to expand our horizons with you!
In addition to working on campaigns and building relationships in our nodes, we come together monthly as a whole team to build community and educate ourselves on a topic. These topics range from doing our own inner work to building skills that will help us as organizers!
Want to learn more? Please email me: annanow83@gmail.com. I would love to talk to you more about plugging in to this awesome, lively team.
Thanks for all you do,
Anna, Stacy, and the LNG Resistance Team
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