Hi Jeanne,
I wanted to reach out on behalf of the Power Past Fracked Gas coalition to thank you again for signing on to the letter to Governor Inslee about the threats of fracked gas in our region. As you likely followed, Governor Inslee announced his opposition to the LNG and methanol facilities in May, and now we need to make sure state agencies are following up with action.

Power Past Fracked Gas stands with the Puyallup Water Warriors and Puyallup Tribal Council in opposition to the LNG facility. Last month, PSCAA has announced their plan to issue the final permit required for PSE’s proposal, ignoring the latest science on fracked gas. This unacceptable decision disregards the climate, health, and safety impacts of this proposed fracked gas facility. On July 22nd, a 45 day comment period opened, and on August 27th there is a major public hearing in Tacoma.

This comment period and public hearing is precedent setting for how Washington state deals with fracked gas projects. We’re looking for support from groups like yours who signed the letter to help.

Can 350 Wenatchee help with any of the following this month?
1. Spread the word about the hearing! – Share with your email lists and/or announce at your next meeting…
The room holds 500 people so we need lots of help telling folks. Below is an email template from the coalition that you are welcome to use or modify as you see fit.
Where: Rialto Theatre, 310 S 9th St, Tacoma WA 98402
When:  August 27th
Hearing 2-5pm & 6:30- 10pm
Native Daily Network’s Ancestral Waters 5pm
Pre-Hearing: Stand With The Puyallup!
Gather at the Puyallup Admin Building on Portland Ave at 11:30 am for a march to the Rialto theater and a rally before the hearing!
-Facebook for hearing
-Facebook for Ancestral Waters documentary that will be held in between the hearing sessions
-Carpool link

2. Send somebody from your group/organization. If so, let me know if they can come to the afternoon or evening session so we can make sure we get them a slot. (We are encouraging heartfelt testimony – no project expertise needed!) (Let me know if you have people coming that would prefer to stay overnight in Tacoma & I can help find them lodging with local activists!)
3. Encourage people who can’t travel for the hearing to submit an online comment by Sept 9th!
Please let me know what you all might be able to help with — anything makes a difference! Thank you!

Stacy Oaks
350 Seattle



Even as Washington begins a transition to 100% clean electricity, Puget Sound Energy continues its plans for an 8-million-gallon fracked gas facility on the Tacoma Tideflats. Despite opposition from the Puyallup Tribe, over 80 community organizations, and Governor Inslee, PSE has moved forward with this project without a permit from the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA).

This week, PSCAA announced their plan to issue the final permit required for PSE’s proposal, ignoring the latest science on fracked gas. This unacceptable decision disregards the climate, health, and safety impacts of this proposed fracked gas facility.


We cannot create a clean energy future by investing in dirty energy!

Send your electronic comment to PSCAA today.

On August 27th, PSCAA will accept comments from the public at a hearing. This is the last opportunity we have to urge the agency to reject the permit for PSE’s dangerous project.

RSVP for the public hearing to tell PSCAA you stand against this dangerous fracked gas project.

What: Final Public Hearing on Tacoma LNG

When: August 27th from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 6:30 to 10 p.m.

Where: Rialto Theatre in Tacoma

Share the event with your friends on Facebook!

At Urban Grace Church during the 5-6:30pm break for a free screening of Native Daily Network’s documentary that chronicles Puyallup LNG resistance

Ancestral Waters

Start the day by Standing With The Puyallup! Gather at the Puyallup Admin Building on Portland Ave at 11:30 am for a march to the Rialto theater and a rally before the hearing!


At every stage, PSCAA has moved this project forward based on deeply flawed environmental analysis, and without the government-to-government consultation with the Puyallup Tribe that is required under law. Now, we must object to this decision and call on the agency to reconsider and deny PSE’s permit.

Thank you for all you do!
