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Independent Environmental Analysis Confirms
NWIW Kalama Facility Will Confront Climate Change
Via Dramatic GHG Reductions
According to a report released today, our Kalama facility will reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more than 10 million metric tons per year – roughly the equivalent of taking 2.25 million cars off the road per year.
NWIW to offset 100% of all its GHGs in Washington State
Setting a new standard, NWIW will offset 100% of all its GHG emissions in Washington State, even those not directly tied to our operations.
The Single Largest Net Reduction of GHGs Anywhere in the Northwest
NWIW’s Kalama facility will reduce more GHGs than the closure of TransAlta, Colstrip 1, Colstrip 2 and Sound Transit’s ST3 ballot measure combined.