Last September, 75,000+ people marched in New York City and sent a clear message to President Biden: END FOSSIL FUELS. That means saying no to every new fossil fuel project.
Right now, the Biden administration is considering whether to approve over 20 LNG (aka., fracked gas) export facilities.
If approved, these projects add the equivalent emissions of 675 coal-fired power plants. Just oneof these facilities, CP2, would cause 20 TIMES as much carbon pollution as the Willow Project in Alaska.
This February 6-8, frontline leaders and national groups are planning three days of sit-ins and demonstrations at the Department of Energy in Washington, D.C. to pressure the department to reject all new LNG export facilities.
You’ll have the option to choose when and how you want to participate and whether or not you want to join in civil disobedience as part of the sit-in (there are options for everyone!)
We have a real chance of stopping this unprecedented LNG buildout in its tracks, but only if we act now. This is the next step in our fight to END FOSSIL FUELS. Let’s make sure it’s one we win.
People vs. Fossil Fuels
P.S. In addition to coming to DC, click here to send a message to President Biden and the Department of Energy urging them to #StopLNG and #EndFossilFuels.
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