Since it’s been nearly three weeks since we launched the Deadline Glasgow campaign we wanted to update you on everything we’ve been up to so far. Going forward, we’ll send newsletters like this every 2 weeks to make sure you know all the opportunities to get involved.
Defund Line 3
Ten days ago, we worked with local partners and grassroots activists across the country to organize the Defund Line 3 – Expose Greenwashing Day of Action. In total, activists in 35 cities across the country took action. In Seattle, activists shut down a branch and painted the walls and the streets green.
In San Francisco, people shut down a street, showed a movie and organized a direct action training right outside of Wells Fargo’s global headquarters. In New York, activists took the message right to the doors of JPMorgan Chase’s global headquarters. Sierra Leone (shown below) demonstrated international concern in Kenema City. And in Portland, activists shut down a few bank branches while wearing chicken costumes (for chicken bank CEOs).
The action was in response to news that Enbridge, the company building Line 3, had received more than $1.5 billion in “sustainability” loans. This kind of greenwashing is becoming increasingly common in the fossil fuel and financial industries ― and it must be called out at every turn.
It’s now just over one week until the Canadian government has to secure $500 million of insurance for their dirty tar sands Trans Mountain pipeline. Along with our coalition partners, we’ve been focused on pushing Chubb, a major insurance company, to commit to walking away from the toxic pipeline. More than 300 of us called Chubb executives ― you can make a call here.
You can also check out this great Op-Ed by Rainforest Action Network’s Sulakshana and check out this powerful action from our partner Stand.Earth, who delivered a petition with nearly 130,000 signatures on it to Chubb’s front door.
Biden and Stop the Money Pipeline
President Biden has immense power to combat the climate crisis ― and that includes the power to push major banks and insurance companies to stop funding and insuring the corporations causing the climate crisis.
We’re calling on him to use the full power at his disposal to intervene and regulate Wall Street’s ability to do business with the corporations driving climate chaos. Last week, 5,600 of us sent top officials in the Biden Administration an email, demanding they do just that. You can join them by sending an email here.
Counting Our Actions
Signing petitions and sending emails alone isn’t enough. We need to get out onto the streets and make our message impossible to ignore. That’s why we have set ourselves a goal of at least 500 actions at our targets by the start of the Glasgow Climate Talks.
At our Deadline Glasgow campaign launch, we kicked off a fundraiser for three powerful frontline organizations. RISE St. James, which is doing incredible work fighting petrochemical expansion in the predominantly Black community of St. James, Louisiana. The Tsleil-Waututh Nation Sacred Trust which has been fighting back for Indigenous rights to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in so-called British Columbia against the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Looking Forward
In the coming days we’re launching a big week of action for September 13th-17th to deliver hundreds of thousands of petition signatures to local bank branches, insurance offices, asset manager headquarters, state pension funds and Federal Reserve offices.
Keep an eye out for more information about it — but if already know you want to jump in and step up to host a delivery you can sign up here.
Talk to you soon,
~ Stop the Money Pipeline
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