In these strange times, it’s hard to know when we’ll be able again to directly engage the fossil fuel industry and come together to stop catastrophic projects like Keystone XL or Trans Mountain or Tacoma LNG….but we know that we’ll need to. We know, in fact, that the fossil fuel industry is doing everything it can to rig the rules even more in its favor, right in the midst of this pandemic. (That’s pretty much what we have the word “shameless” for; also disgusting, egregious, idiotic, and a few others!)

When we’re freer to engage, we need to be ready with our finest weapons: imagination, commitment, and heart. And one thing we can do now is to learn more, from the people who really know the ropes.

Starting tomorrow, the Civil Liberties Defense Center is presenting free webinars every Thursday at 3 p.m. PST/6 p.m. EST. Tomorrow they’ll bring you the first part of their three-part Know Your Rights for Climate Activists series.

Please consider taking one or more of these trainings: nobody knows this material better than Lauren does — and the more of us who know it, the better.

In solidarity and resolution,
the Pledge of Resistance team


350 Seattle
1127 10th Ave. East #1
Seattle, WA 98102
United States
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