Subject: You’re invited – Chelan County Climate Resilience Workshop – Aug 12
Please save the date for a virtual community workshop on climate resilience planning co-hosted by Chelan County, Chelan PUD, and Washington Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Administration, and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. The purpose of this workshop is to review and provide feedback on a preliminary draft Chelan County Climate Resilience Strategy for mitigating climate impacts related to wildfire, water supply, floods, snowpack, and in-stream flows.
WHAT: Chelan County climate resilience virtual community workshop
WHEN: Wednesday, Aug 12, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
WHERE: Online videoconference through Zoom – link and meeting details to follow RSVP
RSVP: Please RSVP by Aug 5 for the event online through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chelan-county-climate-resilience-workshop-registration-112889924804
Draft Resilience Strategy Document, Workshop Agenda, and Zoom meeting details to follow
We welcome you to forward this invitation to others who may be interested in attending. Please reach out to Mike Kaputa at Mike.Kaputa@CO.CHELAN.WA.US with any questions. We look forward to seeing you online.
Bob Bugert
Chelan County Commissioner, District 2