“Only by engaging in civil resistance: breaking the laws of governments,
leading to arrest and prison, will we force them to change. It’s too late for anything else.
Sign up for Roger’s monthly Zoom call. The next zoom is Sunday, March 17th.
What is to be done.
“It is clear that catastrophe is now locked in. Short of a technological miracle being rolled out in the next five years, global heating will force around a billion people to leave their homes within the next two decades as the world heads over 2C – that’s 7C in inland areas, 15C on a “hot day”. The global economic system will collapse and impoverishment will hit billions of people.
Exit reformism to begin the revolution; enact a radical democratic takeover of the state and institute citizens’ assemblies – legally binding and independently organized, followed by a second revolution on the streets. All hands on deck for zero emissions and geo engineering.”
Read the blog: Counting The Dead: Elite Pathology and Illiteracy
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