Since you signed our Pledge of Resistance, we just wanted to remind you. Please join us tomorrow at Jefferson Park if you can!
Are you ready to take action?
Direct action has always been essential to struggles for justice, and it has proven effective time and again. Here in Seattle, many of us took part in Shell No1 in 2015, when we surrounded the Polar Pioneer oil rig with kayaks. Nationally, the Keystone XL pipeline2 was finally shut down thanks to countless demonstrations and acts of physical resistance.
We need direct action to win climate justice and a livable world for all. But…we know it can be scary; risking arrest is not something to take lightly. And we want everyone who shows up at an action to know how to keep themselves and others safe.
That’s why we’re holding Agents of Change: Direct Action Training Series this August – September, in partnership with Sunrise Seattle. Agents of Change will teach you the core skills you need to plan and participate in safe, strategic, and impactful direct actions. The series includes a kickoff event, three webinars, an Action Lab where we’ll teach concrete skills like de-escalation, and an action that we all do together.
Are you organizing in a group already? Bring your whole team! If you’re an individual, come as you are and we’ll support you in finding people to take action with.
The kickoff event is Monday, August 2nd from 6-7:30pm at Jefferson Park. Join us for food, socializing, and storytelling from people who have participated in some incredible direct actions. There’s no commitment attached to attending — you can just come hang out, eat food, and hear more about the training — we only ask that folks planning to attend RSVP here so we can get a headcount for food!
If you’re in…
You can read more about the training and watch our awesome promo video here .
In solidarity,
Alice, for the Pledge of Resistance team
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350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States