Jesse Coen posted this on Indivisible Wenatchee 7/18/2019. She is asking for help. It was not shareable from there, so I copied it here.
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I posted here but I am asking for your support in this matter.
Right now there are hundreds of peaceful protestors trying to protect our sacred Hawaiian lands from being desecrated by the construction of a 300 meter telescope.
After arresting the kupuna (elders) most over the age of 70 over the past two days, the governor is calling a state of emergency to have the protectors of Mauna Kea to be forcibly removed from the area.
We do not plan on backing down any time soon and need your support! This situation may quickly develop in to another Dakota Access Pipeline situation which is the last thing we want. I am humbly BEGGING you to help me with some action items.
Please post and share on your social media accounts.
Sign the petition:…
Donate towards bail – maybe even my own as I travel to my homeland tomorrow:
Follow @protectmaunakea on Instagram
Call Governor David Ige and tell him you support native Hawaiians and all Oceanic people and would like to immediately halt the construction of the telescope. 808-586-0034 Call every day!
Take all three actions on the Spam For Mauna Kea image below.
Mahalo for your support! My children and their children thank you!