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1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Dear Jeanne,

We’re fired up about protecting the right to vote for millions of Americans during this election year, and we’re fired up about doing all that we can to protect our families and our planet as the climate crisis worsens and our biggest institutions get in the way of making real progress.

So we wanted to ensure you saw our invitation to join our big monthly call this Wednesday, January 26th. If you haven’t already, circle the date in your calendars and click the link below to register.

Third Act will be announcing a big new campaign, and sharing ways that you can join in community with others across the country to make real change. We’ll be on the line with none other than Bill Moyers and Rev. Lennox Yearwood, in conversation with Third Act’s founder, Bill McKibben, and Lead Advisor, Akaya Windwood. (Political schedules shifted, but happily we’ll have Jamie Raskin join us on the line in February.)

To have Bill Moyers join us is, of course, an honor and a treat. Since coming to Washington as a young man in the early 60s of the Kennedy administration, he’s played a key role at the center of our national political conversation. An early supporter of Third Act, there’s no one better positioned to help us figure out where the deepest threats to our democracy lie, and how to head them off.

Rev Lennox Yearwood, the director of the Hip Hop Caucus, has been involved with efforts to end bank lending to fossil fuels for years now—effectively reminding us that this is a question of fundamental justice.

We’ll also be joined by Sam Brown, once a leader of the movement against the Vietnam War and later the head of the Peace Corps, who is now helping coordinate our Banking on Our Future pledge campaign. Details for that will be announced during the call!

It’s going to be another big night, and we hope you’ll alert others that it’s happening. We’re determined to make 2022 count, and we can only do it together.

This communication works two ways. Feel free to respond with ideas, to donate to help support the work, and to encourage us onward together!

With great affection,

Vanessa & the Third Act team

p.s.— Our leggings, totes, and beanies have just started arriving on doorsteps, and we’re getting more inquiries about Third Act merch than ever. It’s all available in the webstore.

Third Act
Sustainable Markets Foundation – 45 West 36th Street 6th floor
New York, New York 10018-7635
