Youth Climate March, Friday, October 29th

On October 29th, young people and adults are taking to the streets of Seattle to call out the largest climate polluters in our city.

Can you join us on the streets this Friday, October 29th?

What: Fossil Free Future: March & Action
When: Friday, October 29, 11:00 am
Where: Waterfront Park, 1401 Alaskan Way, Seattle 98101

The march is part of the Global Day of Action, with climate activists all over the world taking to the streets to call out the funders and enablers of climate chaos.In Seattle, the plan is to gather at Waterfront Park before marching to the front doors of the largest climate polluters in Seattle.

  • We’ll march to JPMorgan Chase’s PNW HQ where we will build a climate memorial and stage a massive die-in to commemorate all that has already been lost to the climate crisis.

  • At Liberty Mutual’s regional HQ, we’ll take action to call out their insurance of Trans Mountain and other toxic fossil fuel projects.

  • At City Hall, we’ll demand that the Seattle City Council take action to address the climate crisis by passing the Solidarity Budget and stopping building new homes with fossil fuel heating.

Our demands are simple: Chase must stop funding fossil fuels, Liberty Mutual must stop insuring fossil fuels, and Seattle City Council must pass the Solidarity Budget and stop building new homes with fossil fuels.

Join us on the streets on October 29th to make sure the call for climate justice is heard loud and clear by those in power.

This will be a family-friendly event and the march will be youth-led and youth-centered. At each of the three locations, we will take creative and collective action, as well as hear from powerful speakers and performers. All are welcome and we hope that you will join us.

You can RSVP here and stay tuned with the latest updates on the Facebook event
