Here are the notes from our call including lots of links to explore. Enjoy!
March 15, 2021
Facilitator: Alec
Notes: Ethan
In attendance:
Alec – 350 Seattle
Ethan – RAN
Giselle – 350 Colorado
Jeremy Kaplan – 350 BK
Cailie – Chicago Rising Tide
Eric Gill – XR LA
Allie Lindstrom – Future Coalition
Judy 350 Madison
Brian Wilder – 350 RI
Roger Rosen –
Fred – Climate First!
Jenifer Schram – 350PDX
Sue Palmiter – 350 PDX
Seth – 350 Madison
Intros & landing
Name, org, pronouns, land you are on & is your group already planning any bank actions, online or offline, in the coming weeks?
Ethan – lots of actions in Twin Cities, 2 weeks ago March 1 = 5 Chase actions in 1 day; student group first action ever; last Tuesday action at brand new branch
Giselle – 350 Colorado – Did a digital takeover party on March 3rd, about 200 google reviews, T-shirt fundraiser (see graphic here) . Sample reviews and talking points doc and here for folder – 350 CO working on sending 500 postcards
Jeremy Kaplan – 350 BK – did a big action with NYCC and XR, Black Rock, actions at local Chase branches. 1-2 ppl, delivering letters to branch manager and make them file a report, doing every Sat morning, 350BK Letter to Jamie D:
Sue – 2 Chase actions, had a dramatic diorama, fire engine, daily banner drops, 1,100 postcards! Monday’s action
Brian Wilder- LED protest over the bridge, Chase = Climate Criminal, had a Chase action today, delivered a letter, FANG did a TD Bank action in Providence,
Eric Gill XRLA – March 5th caravan protest with one on Hollywood and Vine, lots of new members! Sent some folks to MN, banner drops on the freeways, March 25-28 Scientists Rebellion. I forgot to mention this action by XR Youth LA
Picks of XRLA Chase Caravan 3/5;
Cailie – Early morning banner drops, stickered branches, mock pipelines, shut down BoA and Chase, March 22nd, Check it on Insta
Allie – Future Coalition in Ann Arbor, MI – planning, know that XR Youth in NYC are planning
Jenifer – got postcard package!
Seth – focused on digital takeover, using action images for digital takeovers, did call in on Pinto, Digital Takeovers, complete with zoom link. You’re all invited. They happen on Central time.
Judy Stadler – 350 Madison – Send postcards and called Pinto
Fred – Climate First! In DC – working on Mtn Valley Pipeline, Chase is a big funder, on the 19th will strike at 5 banks in the DC metro area, deliver letters on Line 3 and MVP
Roger – 350 Mass – planning action at new Chase branch in Wesley, Mass in early April, got some cool magnetic bumper stickers, can share a hand out,
Skill share opportunity (Alec)
350 Seattle is willing to do an online skill share to teach folks how to make a 50 foot long inflatable pipeline, but before we do we want to see who would want to join? We only want to do it if there is a critical mass of people who will put the skills to use!
Defund Line 3 – campaign update
March 31st loan canceled, replaced with an $800 M so-called sustainability loan
Campaign continues until every last dollar is out of Enbridge! – More banks have 3 major loans come up for renewal in June and July.
Urgency is on! the snow melt-Enbridge is working to get under the rivers & waterways before April 1 (limited waterways near rice harvest areas). Enbridge wants construction to be done by June 1. We want to delay or STOP that completely.
There are three loans due for renewal in July, worth $5.8 billion
40,000+ people have sent 600,000+ emails to execs. Execs have received more than 2,000 phone calls and 6,000 calendar invites, demanding that they break up with Line 3.
Collectively, we have helped to raise $40,000 for the frontlines — and we encourage others to consider raising money for the frontlines
Line 3 Legal Defense:
Frontline leaders are calling for actions at bank branches
Send any social media to the Chase Coalition list serve or me and Alec: and …and follow Alec on instagram. He really needs some followers 😉
There have been actions in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Seattle, NYC, LA.
Action planned in Rhode Island, Houston and Portland
Action Network map here
Please consider adding any actions — in-person or digital to the map!
Go around / discussion: What is your group planning as part of the Defund Line 3 campaign?
15 – 20 banks on each of the 3 loans, Chase is on all or 2 of the loans
Anti-protest bill is coming to the MN legislature, and the best way to show solidarity is to support Water Protectors and Stop Line 3 in your communities across the country
Via Sue: “Breckinridge, a leading manager in the sustainable investing field, invested in Enbridge for the Unitarian Common Fund. We Unitarians have taken it up with the Unitarian investment group (not big $$, but still against the values of the church) and they are taking it up with Breckinridge. Looks like they will divest. Maybe we all need to be looking for who else is funding Enbridge.”
Should we anticipate Enbridge/Line 3 specific resolutions being brought before Chase Bank shareholders in May? – Not that we’ve heard yet. STMP is putting together a shareholder scorecard profiline the big asset managers and how they vote, will be some pressure on State Treasurers to vote the right way on climate – Will be more coming from Majority Action and Stand,
Timeline – continue the same tactics throughout April then a month of action on Chase in May
Alec – STMP launching Road to Glasgow, financial institutions are key, release bold demands in April with a Nov 1st deadline, will share on STMP call on Thurs morning
Chase will likely come out in May with more details for its “Paris Aligned” policy. And will be able to talk about how it falls short of what we need
Possible report: “What Chase needs to do by 2030” – based off of the Principles of Paris Aligned
Chase announced $200bil in green finance in 2017?
Defund Line 3 postcards – update! (Cailie and Ethan)
Update on postcards
Ordered 5k and now sold out! Just ordered 10K more
Always adding new Exec home addresses to the toolkit
Sign up to get more postcards in the toolkit –
Joining actions on the frontlines (Ethan)
You can join a weekly call with Resist Line 3 — Action Orientation Form:
Eric – might be able to help construct housing
Come ready to be self sufficient and then get to build with community