Here’s your bi-weekly Deadline Glasgow Campaign Newsletter, the one-stop shop for all the latest updates from the campaign.
Deadline Glasgow Petition Deliveries
Last week, Activists all across the country delivered petitions to Wall Street bank branches. Meanwhile, in New York City activists shut down the Global HQs of Chase, Citibank and Bank of America. In Seattle, Chase and Bank of America were closed for business as we took the message directly to their doors. And in San Francisco, activists unfurled a massive #StopLine3 banner outside of Wells Fargo’s Global Headquarters.
With Wall Street HQs shut down from coast-to-coast, do you think they are getting the message yet?
What a week, but that is far from all that happened…
Chubb Insurance will not insure tar sands projects!
Over the past month, nearly 300 of you made phone calls to the Chubb CEO, demanding the company stop insuring the Trans Mountain pipeline. Thousands of you sent calendar invites to their top executives.
Last week, Chubb announced last week that it was not providing insurance coverage for tar sands projects. This makes Chubb the sixteenth insurance company that has ruled out support for Trans Mountain.
This huge win follows many years of Indigenous-led resistance to Trans Mountain and months of pressure on Chubb. Special shout out to our coalition partners at NYCC, Rise and Resist NY, RAN, and Insure Our Future who, four days before Chubb’s announcement, put up a 15-foot inflatable of Chubb CEO Evan Greenberg’s face at the US Open, a major sporting event sponsored by Chubb – and the Indigenous youth with Braided Warriors that blockaded Chubb’s offices in Vancouver last spring (more than once). Direct action gets the goods.
Announcing the BlackRock: No More Fossil Fuel Money Week of Action
Despite its ongoing PR campaign portraying itself as a “climate leader,” BlackRock remains the world’s largest investor in coal, oil, gas, and deforestation around the world. That’s why our partners at BlackRock’s Big Problem are organizing the BlackRock: No More Fossil Fuel Money Week of Action from Oct 1 – Oct 8. This week of action will see protests around the world pressuring BlackRock to get money out of the fossil fuel industry.
We’re making sure our message is heard every day by Wall Street executives. One powerful way to do that is to make sure CEOs’ phones ring off-the-hook with calls from climate activists.
Procter & Gamble is the world’s largest consumer company ― and its products from toilet paper to shaving cream are driving deforestation and the climate crisis. Major investors like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street have made bold commitments to use their shareholder power to hold companies accountable for driving the climate crisis, yet they have done nothing about Procter & Gamble’s massive role in deforestation.
Join us for this digital rally as we call on BlackRock and other top shareholders in P&G to turn their climate talk into climate action and vote a key director off the P&G’s board.
The Formosa plastics plant is a proposed $12 billion petrochemical complex that would be located within one mile of an elementary school that serves an almost entirely Black population in St. James, Louisiana. We’re excited to stand in solidarity with RISE St James and other Black-led community orgs fighting back against this toxic project. On the Defund Formosa Digital Rally, we will learn the history of environmental racism in the Gulf, hear from leading campaigners in the fight to stop Formosa, and take action on the banks that are lining up to fund Formosa.
Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice
Stop the Money Pipeline coalition partner, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network is organizing the ‘Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice’, a free, gender-diverse, public forum from September 25-30.
There are so many powerful, vital events happening throughout the Assembly and Stop the Money Pipeline staff member, Jackie Fielder, is honored to be participating in one of the panels ― RSVP for the Global Women’s Assembly for Climate Justice here!
Customers for Climate Justice
We’re super excited to be launching a new program next week: Customers for Climate Justice. We will be organizing hundreds of customers of Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and CitiBank, supporting them in using their special leverage as customers to advocate for change at Wall Street banks. If you are a customer of one of these big four banks, please watch for an announcement next Wednesday ― we need you!
Counting our Actions
And last but not least, we’re doing our best to count all of the in-person actions and protests that happen at financial institutions between now and the start of the Glasgow Climate Talks. So far, we have tallied up 93 actions & protests since the Deadline Glasgow campaign launched on August 3rd.
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