Hi there!
Thank you for participating in the New Rules for Fossil Fuels webinar series! Community participation is critical as we build solutions that protect our communities and climate.
Use this guide to submit a letter to the editor on this campaign. Letters are the most read section of newspapers and are a key tool in building buzz. BCC ingird@stand.earth on any submissions and let us know if you get published!
Share the latest campaign video out on social media or to your community with #NewRulesforFossilFuels
Check out the New Rules for Fossil Fuels homepage and this resource document with links to information and issues that have come up during the webinars.
If you were unable to join us, you can find a recording of the webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/SbAZVwRbsuH4AOq94qyTM75bpeOmdVdzyd-URdAt9epcvT9lgWNE8q8XyZjBzGNw.pZNasPDzu_eYgzdw
Access Passcode: yWnK=Je1
Be sure to join us for the final webinar in the New Rules for Fossil Fuels series! Centering Frontline Communities Tuesday, March 23rd 6:30 – 8pm. Register here! Each event will be unique with a different action for participants to take.
Thank you for helping to protect WA communities.
Victoria Leistman
Field Coordinator
Power Past Fracked Gas