Good afternoon to all of my friends organizing in the PNW for the movement for climate justice,
How does this holiday week feel for you? I imagine many of us are facing tough choices about seeing our loved ones. This will be my first time ever being away from my own kids over the holidays, and I’m thinking about you all, too, as you celebrate in ways that help us love up on our broader communities in the pandemic.
I hope you’ll join us on Monday for our regional conversation aimed at growing our connections to each other in this work, and deepening all of our understanding of how to build effective and thriving local groups in our communities.
We are going to partake in a sweet little art project together, hear what’s happening at our local groups, and dive into a conversation about one of my favorite topics, intergenerational justice.
350 WA+ Conversations
November 30th, 6pm-7:30pm PT
Register HERE
Bring your wisdom!
And your experience!
And your open ears for learning new perspectives!
These conversations are open to all active volunteers at 350 groups in the PNW.
I know you’re hearing this from many different directions but I’ll say it anyway: stay safe and well out there. And let me know how I can best support your organizing efforts as COVID drags on.
In service,
Grace Hope, they/them
PNW Regional Organizer, 350.org
Organizing on the occupied lands of the Puyallup Tribe
Ps, I’m soooooo proud of us here in the PNW. I learned that many 350 groups in the US have taken the time to fill out this year’s (short and sweet) Local Group Survey already, and nearly all of them are from my PNW region! You can find your group’s unique link in your inboxes, and it should auto-fill much of the form for you and input everything directly into our database. If not, let me know and I’ll create a unique survey link for you! Let’s knock this survey out of the park so we can show 350.org exactly what kinds of support we need at the local group level this coming year.