Thank you for being a partner of the Movement for Black Lives. Black movement leaders like you defeated Trump. Now, it’s time to hold elected officials accountable to our needs and demands.
On Tuesday, Nov. 24 at 7:00 PM on Facebook Live, the Movement for Black Lives will convene a post-election roundtable to outline our organizing and policy efforts which offer elected officials and others a blueprint for how to defend Black lives.
You know M4BL has a vision for Black lives and a plan to enact our vision, including with the passage of the BREATHE Act. Join us as we keep building movement power toward our collective vision!
Join 150,000+ people and become a community co-sponsor of the BREATHE Act.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get and share updates using #M4BL and #TheWorkisNotDone.
Text POWER TO 90975 to receive our calls to action.
Black movement leaders are coming together to strategize for what’s next, and we need you and your networks to be part of the conversation!
In power and solidarity,
The Movement for Black Lives
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