Grassroots action just won a significant victory in our fight to stop the Jordan Cove LNG export project and fracked gas pipeline. Just a few days before the Department of State Lands (DSL) was poised to issue a denial of a key Removal-Fill permit, Jordan Cove LNG withdrew its application. The Jordan Cove LNG project cannot move forward without this critical state permit. Over 49,000 people sent comments to DSL opposing Jordan Cove LNG, and 3,000 people turned out to hearings across Southern Oregon and in Salem. In its communications to Jordan Cove LNG, DSL made it clear that our substantial concerns raised about the project had not been addressed. In short, our voices made a huge difference. Pembina knew they could not meet state standards that protect our water and local fishing and crabbing industries, and pulled out of the process. Thank you to everyone who helped keep the pressure on Oregon’s state agencies and Governor Brown! Pembina’s withdrawal represents a huge victory for impacted landowners, Tribal members, commercial fishermen, the climate, and everyone who defended Oregon’s waterways in this two-year long process. Can you make it to Salem on Tuesday, February 4 for a Press Conference to commend DSL for standing up for Oregon and to demand that Pembina withdraw from the project entirely? Press Conference for Oregon DSL Jordan Cove LNG Withdrawal When: Tuesday, February 4, Press Conference from 9:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. and State Lands Board Meeting from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Where: Oregon Department of State Lands, 775 Summer St NE, Salem Don’t forget to wear red! RSVP and share on Facebook here. Our fight is not over. Pembina may continue to push for federal approvals, but Oregon has strong authority to deny this project. We all need to continue to speak out to encourage the State of Oregon to stand firm against this project.Can you call Governor Brown at (503) 378-4582 and dial “3” to leave a friendly message telling her that you strongly support DSL’s actions, and that you will support Oregon in standing firm against Jordan Cove LNG?See you soon! Allie Rosenbluth |