Hello, 350 Washington Network! I attended our monthly Climate Alliance steering committee meeting yesterday and here are some partner requests that I have to pass along with you all. We also talked through the draft policy platform that the CA will be launching next month, with lots of great feedback from all of our steering committee partners.
And just as a reminder, we are currently holding a 350 WA Network vote on endorsing the Resilient Future platform that’s due on Monday, so if your group has not yet cast your vote, be sure to take care of that this weekend!
1. Amplify the Resilient Future Platform!
We will plan to launch our policy platform in late November / early Dec. In the meantime, we are continuing the amplify the first phase of our Resilient Future Platform! Please take the following actions to continue to amplify the platform: 
1. Sign onto our Resilient Future platform partner sign-on letter 
Here is our Resilient Future Advocacy toolkit with messaging, social media posts, and template grassroots email, etc. 
2. Take Action in Solidarity with Trabajadores Unidos por la Justicia!
Our partners at Familias Unidas por la Justicia are supporting Trabajadores Unidos por la Justicia, an independent union that formed in the wake of the strikes in Yakima, in their fight to win a union contract at Allan Bros warehouse in Yakima.  Edgar with FUJ is asking all Climate Alliance partners to support and help this effort gain momentum before November!  
Ways to support the effort in the next two weeks: 
1. Send an to your volunteer/base asking volunteer to email Allan Brothers Fruit to show community support of Workers United for Justice. Use the WSLC’s TUJ action alert as an example.
2. Sign this sign on form in support of the workers at Allan Bros and TUJ!
3. Share a social media post supporting the workers, with the message of standing in solidarity with TUJ and the Allan Bro Workers and tag the TUJ Facebook page and use the hashtag #ContratoParaTUJ. You can also send in videos or a picture showing support for the workers or use the attached graphic to share your org’s support on social media. 
4. Send a personal organizational letter of support in support of Trabajadores Unidos por la Justicia on behalf of your org/ union.  Send the letter to Edgar Franks:  <edgarfc2c@gmail.com>.
5. Send N95 masks in the mail to Edgar Franks at the Red Lion in Yakima – 607 E Yakima Ave, Yakima, WA 98901 – to hand out to workers on the frontlines.
Please connect with Edgar – edgarfc2c@gmail.com – if you can help in any other ways as well! 
3. Support Yes on Transit – Prop 1!
The Yes on Transit (Seattle) campaign is asking partners to take action in support of the proposition. Ways you can support:
1. Use the comms toolkit to Re-share on social media / send an email to your members.
2. Ask your volunteers to sign up for a phone bank in support of the prop.

4. In the News: Another win for our labor partners and our state! 
The Stand: The Whatcom Council voted yesterday 7-0 to withdraw open bargaining plan: “Amid strong opposition from hundreds of local union members and their supporters, the Whatcom County Council voted 7-0 on Tuesday night to withdraw a proposed ordinance that would have made all collective bargaining sessions between the county and its employee unions open to the public. This was a significant victory for the local union movement against the Freedom Foundation, a right-wing anti-union group that supported the proposal.” 
In Solidarity, 
Lauren Breynaert
Coalition Director, Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy
Cell phone: (425) 753-5344

Grace Hope


PNW Regional Organizer
350.org | 425-890-2145
Monday 11-7:30pm PST, Tuesday-Friday, 9-5pm PST, or by appointment
Organizing on the occupied lands of the Puyallup Tribe

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