Take action today No images? Click here Environmental Champion, Last week, the Department of Ecology released a new draft analysis of the climate impacts of the massive gas-to-methanol refinery proposed in Kalama, Washington. The new Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement confirmed that this facility would use a staggering amount of fracked gas and quickly become one of Washington’s most significant sources of climate pollution. Unfortunately, Ecology’s study also relies on speculative and unenforceable economic analysis that the project backers are continuing to use to greenwash this polluting project. In spite of this, Ecology’s analysis confirms that under every possible scenario, the pollution impacts of this project would be enormous. Join us and urge Ecology to deny this dangerous project! In addition to sending in a comment online, please make a plan to join us for one of Ecology’s virtual hearings on the project. These hearings are an important opportunity to make our voices heard before Ecology makes a final decision on this dangerous facility.
We simply can’t build a clean energy future by investing in dirty energy. Together we can protect Kalama and our climate from a reckless fracked gas proposal. Join us in saying no to the Kalama methanol refinery. Thank you for all you do, Anna Doty |
Link to DOE to comment on Kalama!
Please join in however you can to keep this project from happening!