Thank you for joining us for the Digital Rally to #StopLine3! More than 500 people attended! If you haven’t already, you can join in solidarity with water protectors many different ways.
Step 1: Make a sign that says: Biden: #StopLine3 and #BuildBackFossil Free
Step 2: Take a photo of yourself with the sign.
Step 3: Once you have your selfie, post it to Facebook or Twitter with the following text:
.@POTUS, be a climate justice champion and respect Indigenous Rights! #StopLine3 and #BuildBackFossilFree today! If you’re with us, post a photo and share this petition: #Faiths4Climate
Tag @JoeBiden or @POTUS and use the hashtags: #StopLine3 #BuildBackFossilFree #Faiths4Climate.
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