As you’ve likely heard, Fridays for Future has called for the next global climate strike to be on November 29th. In the US, the youth coalition we partnered with on the Sep. 20th strike is planning on strikes on Nov. 29th and/or Dec. 6th. They are hesitant to only have it on Nov. 29th because of the logistical difficulties of organizing on Black Friday, but also want to show solidarity with other regions, hence the two dates. They will be using the same website which already has an Action Network-based map on it. US will be engaging very lightly for the “winter strikes,” primarily via digital promotion. We have helped promote the strikes on Twitter and we will send a recruitment email to our US list. Additionally, we’re reaching out to partners to assess their engagement and continue to build our relationships with them. However, unlike 9/20 we are not directly involved with the map or any of the back end support for the mobilization.
As always, your group has the option to participate or not in mobilizations that is supporting. We recommend that each group decide based on your local context and capacity, knowing that will not be able to offer support as we did for the September strikes. Our sense is that these strikes will not be as big, as we’ve gotten limited information from the youth coalition and the time of year is tricky.
Lastly, we know that the April 2020 Earth Day strikes are a hot topic of conversation among many. It’s not clear yet what level of support we might provide to these strikes but we will share an update as soon as possible. In the meantime if you are excited about the April strikes or already planning on organizing around the 50th anniversary of Earth Day please let us know by emailing
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