Over the last fifteen months, I’ve been arrested twice during actions that disrupted JPMorgan Chase. On May 8th 2017, I participated in the first #ShutDownChase day of action where we simultaneously shut down 13 branches to call on them to not fund the Keystone XL. Then, almost exactly a year later, on May 7th 2018, I participated in a day of action that shut down Chase PNW HQ―an action that brought huge attention to JPMorgan Chase’s central role in the climate crisis.
We put our bodies in the way of business as usual, and briefly risked our personal freedoms, because we know that Chase bank is one of the largest funders of the fossil fuel industry―and we understand that where the money goes, oil flows.
We are still campaigning to get JPMorgan Chase to stop funding climate disaster. Just yesterday, we joined over 59 organizations, including Honor the Earth, 350.org, Rainforest Action Network and Sierra Club, in sending a letter to Chase to call on them to stop funding Enbridge. But to help make sure they really get the message we need YOUR help!
On October 16th Chase bank has a big decision to make: whether or not to renew a $1.48 billion credit facility with the Enbridge Inc., the corporation responsible for the Line 3 pipeline― a pipeline that threatens to steamroller Indigenous rights and devastate our shared climate. For the sake of all life, we need to let Chase know that renewing this loan will not be tolerated!
I am currently facing two charges, which carry a maximum sentence of 454 days in jail and $6000 in fines. Although I know that sort of sentencing is unlikely, it still saddens me that I’m facing these charges for doing something that I know is right: Standing up against injustice is right, standing up against corporations that value profit over people and planet is right―and I don’t regret my decision to take a stand for what is right.
We’re not alone in taking this action. This week Rainforest Action Network, Sierra Club and other 350 groups across the country are also contacting Chase. Together, we can make sure they hear from many thousands of us, and together we’ll make sure they get the message loud and clear.
In solidarity,
Aaron Brouillette
-=-=- 350Seattle.org · 1919 E Prospect St, Seattle, WA 98112, United States
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