Stop the Money Pipeline is launching a new program: Customers for Climate Justice. We will empower hundreds of Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citibank customers around the US to demand climate justice within their financial institution. Customers will be sending emails, making phone calls, writing good old-fashioned letters, organizing other customers in their area, and more!
Here’s Stop the Money Pipeline’s plan: Once thousands of customers sign-on to these open letters, one of you ― a customer ― will present the letter to the CEO of your bank, ask for a meeting with a group of customers and demand that they take immediate and real action to tackle the climate crisis.
Once you have signed on to the letter, you will be invited to a Customers for Climate Justice Welcome Call. On the call, Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citibank customers from around the world will come together to learn how to leverage their special power as customers to get their financial institutions to finally stop funding fossil fuels and deforestation.
Know someone else who banks with Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, or Citibank? Forward them this email and ask them to sign on to the open letter!