We’ve come along way since June 20 when we launched this campaign to save the Deschutes Ancient Forest. In the past month, the logging company has agreed to let us protect the oldest stand of forest and we have now raised nearly enough money to do just that. None of this would’ve been possible without you, so today I am inviting all of you to join us over Zoom at 6 pm PT this Sunday to learn about the forest that you helped save. In this call, we will report back from our latest expedition to the grove, discuss the future of our campaign, and answer any questions you may have about the forest. Meeting Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73314890770?pwd=V1NWZTA4TEZKSm1vQ2p4UUFOL0JTUT09 Meeting ID: 733 1489 0770
We hope to see you there! Joshua Wright |