The science is clear, all fossil fuels must stay in the ground to save millions of lives and the climate. We must stop expanding fossil fuels immediately.

But Chubb continues to be one of the top fossil insurers in the U.S. and the world. And instead of addressing its role in causing the climate crisis and meeting with frontline communities impacted by its fossil fuel business, this insurance giant withdraws coverage from and jacks up the costs of insurance in communities already facing climate change impacts, like dangerous fires and unprecedented floods.

We don’t have time for climate-destroying insurers, like Chubb, to take small steps to stop insuring fossil fuels. To get Chubb’s attention, we’re flooding the company’s inbox with meeting requests. Click here to send a calendar invitation to Greenberg asking him to “meet” about Chubb’s climate and human rights record.

Photo by Campax

We know that without insurance, no new polluting energy project can be built, or even financed. Evan Greenberg knows that too. But instead of doing the right thing and stopping support for fossil fuel expansion, Chubb flaunts policies that fall way short of protecting communities and the climate, especially for a company that claims to be a “steward of the Earth.”

We’re not going to “save the date” for Chubb deciding on its sweet time own to take significant climate action. We’re going to demand it insure our future, not fossil fuels, here and now.

Evan Greenberg said himself that “Chubb recognizes the reality of climate change and the substantial impact of human activity on our planet.” We think he needs a reminder, don’t you, Kevin? 

With hundreds of invites flooding his calendar to stop insuring the climate crisis, we’ll let him know that we haven’t forgotten the MANY climate promises he’s made. It only takes a few minutes to ruin the day of this insurance executive who’s profiting from destroying communities and the climate. Invite Evan Greenberg to insure our future!

There should only be two things on Chubb’s calendar: protect communities from climate impacts and stop insuring fossil fuels.

In solidarity,

Elana Sulakshana
Senior Campaigner
Energy Finance
Rainforest Action Network


At RAN, we take the “Network” in our name seriously. It is only through your support that we are able to fund major campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life. Please consider joining RAN as a Member by making a gift today.

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