Hi All-
Many of you may have seen this solid Teen Vogue OP-ED by youth leader by Isabella Fallahi. She & Helena Gualinga with several additional young leaders co-founded Polluter’s Out. Their goal is to get the fossil fuel industry removed from any influence in international politics and national institutions.
They were planning an in person action at the UN in NYC, but have moved to a digital action. See the toolkit below. Can you all help amplify?
MARCH 20: Polluters Out is still proceeding with our day of action but we are taking the pressure to the Internet as opposed to the streets.
This is our Digital action toolkit. We are planning on doing twitter storms, a profile picture campaign and Instagram live stories and we would really appreciate your help in amplifying the message and connecting COVID to the climate crisis.
Hope each of you are safe & well.
Many thanks,
Ruth Breech (she/her) I Senior Campaigner Climate & Energy