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Jeanne —

Glen Anderson, Host of Glen’s Parallax Perspectives on TCTV Cable television in Olympia, WA, interviewed Solutionary Rail Director Bill Moyer on the latest developments of the project.

Watch the interview.

  • Bill and Glen explored the most important elements of the project’s vision for a just transition to a decarbonized energy and transportation infrastructure.
  • Bill shared exciting developments, insights from new allies, and the latest developments in the campaign.
  • Glen’s extensive research make this an especially interesting discussion and his documentation provides valuable tools for understanding Solutionary Rail. His 14-page brief includes a summary of the interview, as well as additional links to resources.

Read/download the brief HERE.

Check out Glen’s “Parallax Perspectives” web page HERE.

Thank you, Glen, and the TCTV Team for this in-depth conversation and for your help in spreading the word about the Solutionary Rail Plan!

If you’re as excited about Solutionary Rail as we are, now is the perfect time to get the book, discover ways you can spread the word about Solutionary Rail and pitch-in to grow this people-powered campaign. 

Here are some easy ways to get started:
  1. Check out the 3.5 min video
  2. Download a Free PDF of the SR book using coupon code 4WRD2GTHR at
  3. Read our facts and false solutions supplemental brief at
  4. Stay up to date with Our RailBite series addressing aspects of the campaign and the interests of our allies at
  5. Make a tax-deductible donation – either one time or a small recurringmonthly contribution.

Thank you for helping build this project – we look forward to hearing from you.

~ The Solutionary Rail Team

-=-=-Backbone Campaign · PO Box 278, Vashon, WA 98070, United States
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