I-1631 is the best thing we can do for our climate in 2018
Dear Jeanne,
Our local communities have already seen the consequences of carbon pollution everyday: it’s warming our climate, with worsening droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, and drier and hotter summers hurting our most vulnerable communities most. It exacerbates asthma attacks, lung diseases, and even cancer. It is depleting our natural resources affecting our waterways and forests. Yet as we see the signs for urgency every day, the current federal administration ignores the problem and works to undermine even our longest standing health, environmental, and climate protections.
Now, we have a chance to lead the fight for clean air, clean energy, stronger communities and a stable climate.Become part of the movement here.
Our state has a powerful legacy of protecting the home we all share: prioritizing both our health and a world-class economy. We enjoy that quality of life because we invest in our communities.
But we know if we don’t act now, the threat of pollution will only get worse and cause more harm to our communities and our kids’ health. I-1631 is a practical first step to ensure clean air and clean water for everyone in Washington, and gives us the chance to pass on a healthier state to the next generations. It will put a $15/ton fee on the state’s largest polluters like the oil industry and utilities that have not yet switched over to clean energy. It will, in turn, invest in things we know reduce pollution and protect our communities like clean energy, healthier forests that clean our air, and better transportation options for more people.
Our broad-based, diverse coalition developed our policy with a united front of labor unions, communities of color, environmental advocates, businesses, faith communities, health professionals, and tribal nations.
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