Dear Friend,
I live in the region north of Spokane where Republican Rep. Matt Shea is sowing his extremist ideology. You might remember Shea as the legislator who posted a “Biblical Basis for Warfare,” a radical manifesto including a call to “kill all males” who do not obey biblical law.
Now The Guardian is reporting that Shea supports a group training young men in “biblical warfare,” including how to use knives, pistols, and rifles.1 Shea made videos for the group and appeared alongside them at events and paying their founder with his campaign funds.2 Many of their lessons come from a neo-Confederate pastor who is a “leading proponent for training Christians for armed battle.”3
I’m worried that Shea’s is helping fuel the rise of white supremacy in Washington, especially here in Eastern Washington. As a legislator, he’s using his platform to give a voice and credibility to those who hold hateful, violent views.
We must stand united against white supremacy in Washington and send a message that Shea’s extremism has no place in elected office. Will you join me in calling on the House Republican leadership to remove Shea?
This isn’t the first time Rep. Shea has promoted his dangerous views without consequence. In correspondence with Rep. Shea, the group’s founder wrote about scenarios in which their members have to fight against Muslims “that are invading our country.”4
Rep. Shea described Team Rugged as a “return to patriotic principles” – but he doesn’t know the meeting of those words. Let’s be clear – these so-called “Team Rugged” teachings are the teachings of white supremacy. This disgusting language is already coming unchecked from the White House, inspiring vitriol and violence around the nation – we cannot let it go unchecked here.
Will you join me in calling on the GOP to remove Rep. Shea from their caucus – and keep white supremacy out of my backyard and our state?
Thanks for all that you do,
Roger H., Fuse Member