Kudos to all who have helped fight the GTN Xpress pipeline expansion! Now, we need to urge the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) to stop the project. We also need to keep reminding our Senators to speak out against the project.
Email the Washington Public Transportation Commission by April 28th: A Washington gas utility, Cascade Natural Gas (Cascade), plans to be one of GTN Xpress’ main customers. Although the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will make a decision on the GTN Xpress project as soon as May 18, 2023, by vetting Cascade’s plans to expand use of fracked gas purchased from GTN, Washington regulators have an opportunity right now to send a signal that GTN Xpress is not in the public interest. Please send an email to the WUTC asking the agency to scrutinize Cascade’s claims of increased gas demand, and not to saddle Washington ratepayers with the costs of unnecessary and costly fracked gas expansion. Please send your comments to comments@utc.wa.gov by April 28th, 2023.
Let’s push our Senators to speak out against the GTN project. Even if you’ve already done so, please call and ask them to write to FERC and oppose the GTN Xpress project. Call script and phone numbers are here.
Join a phone bank to generate even more calls to our Senators, we’re holding a virtual phone bank on May 2, from 4:30 – 6:00. Email Selden (prenticeselden@gmail.com) if you’d like to help out.
Selden Prentice, Linnea Scott, and Eric Ross
350 Seattle
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350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States